Manual - English Electric Computers KDF9 ALGOL Programming
- Made:
- 1963-01-01-1964-12-31
One volume ALGOL programming manual.
The KDF 9 was built by English Electric Computers in Manchester and is believed to have been the first zero-address instruction format computer to have been announced (in 1960). It was first delivered at about the same time (early 1963) as the other famous zero-address computer, the Burroughs B5000 in America. It was a fully transistorised computer with core store and used M/T as the main storage media. Input was usually paper tape. Some systems used large fixed disks or drums for random access. 'Large' being physical (1 ton) rather than storage capacity (24Mb). The KDF9 was primarily a scientific rather than a commercial system - a number of early FORTRAN and ALGOL compilers were written for it.
- Extent:
- Identifier:
- YA2005.79
- Access:
- Open access.
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions.