Volume entitled: "The length of all the Mastes and yards of his Ma[jesty's] ships and Pinnaces; A proportion of cables and anchors to furnish them to sea; All their standing roapes; Dimentions of their boates; Breadth and depth of their sayles; their burthen, number of men and ordnance."
- Made:
- 1640-01

Original manuscript. With fold-out list 45x25cm of over thirty named ships giving full particulars of all their sails. The largest ships named in the book include (with 'the tyme of their building') Soveraigne 1637, Prince 1639, Merhonor 1616, Defiance 1616, James 1633 (all rebuilds), Tryumph 1623, Charles 1632, St George 1622, St Andrew 1622 and Swiftsure 1621.
- Extent:
- Identifier:
- MS/0361
- Access:
- Open Access
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions