Plaited cane rattle, double ended, containers filled with seeds
Medicine man's plaited cane rattle, double ended, two heads joined by central handle, like a dumbbell, open basketry, containers filled with seeds, good specimen
Woven fibre medicine man's bag, soft, with rounded base, cord handles woven into rim, containing various gourds, horns, stones, rattle, knife, sticks etc., Congolese, 1880-1920
Medicine man's plaited cane rattle, double ended, two heads joined by central handle, like a dumbbell, open basketry, containers filled with seeds, good specimen
Steel machette with wooden handle secured with cane twine, flat spatulate-type blade, double cutting edge
Three twisted gazelle horns, pointed tip, hollow, varying sizes, brown gellowing to tip
Gazelle horn, from medicine man's bag
Gazelle horn, from medicine man's bag
Gazelle horn, from medicine man's bag
5 Small horns, conical, long pointed tips, two full of twigs, cloth etc., medicine, horns, brown
Double gourd snuff box with fibre, loop for suspension, used by medicine man to hold materials other than snuff
Double headed gourd snuff box, brown, filled with fibre, elephant hair etc., medicine, once used for snuff
Glass bead necklace threaded on plaited fibre, black and greenish-cream beads, loose ends
Incomplete string of beads, probably from a necklace, three strands of white beads joined in three places with a larger red beads
Gourd container globular with peaked top, lid cut out of gourd with jagged edge, hinged with crocodile skin cord loop for suspension, brown
Glass bead (white) bracelet threaded on straw thong, small bundle of three wooden sticks coiled with brass and copper wire attached
Leather amulet case, square, tooled design on front, coiled leather bracelet and canvas bag attached, brown
Iron flintlock sideplate with spring mechanism for attaching to side of flintlock firearm, rusted
Steel arrowhead, pointed tip, shaped like a whaling hook, with hollow shaft
Three small bird claws with curved pointed talons
Amuletic cloth bag full of medicine (fibre, grass, etc.) red cloth tied at neck with straw, shabby
Brass cartridge case for a maxim gun, tubular, flanged base, hollow
Two leather amulet cases, attached to twisted leather bracelet, decorated with blue and yellow glass beads
Canvas bag, stitched along seams, resembles a small mail bag, contains various dried fruits, old beads, fragments of stones, shells, wood, metal, sand, etc.
Dakka smoking pipe consisting of twisted antelope's horn with hole near tip for insertion of bowl stem (missing), fired clay bowl, pot-shaped hole running through centre
Woven fibre medicine man's bag, soft, with rounded base, cord handles woven into rim, for various gourds, horns, stones, rattle, knife, sticks etc., Congolese, 1880-1920