Tubes from box of spare parts for Astrub apparatus
Tubes from box of spare parts for Astrub apparatus, by Radiometer, Copenhagen. 1900-1980. Four tubes, two similar sizes, one thin and one slightly darker in colour, this has an tap on one end.
Box of spare parts for Astrub apparatus, by Radiometer, Copenhagen. 1900-1980.
Tubes from box of spare parts for Astrub apparatus, by Radiometer, Copenhagen. 1900-1980. Four tubes, two similar sizes, one thin and one slightly darker in colour, this has an tap on one end.
Tubes from box of spare parts for Astrub apparatus, by Radiometer, Copenhagen. 1900-1980. Two tubes, one is multiple tubes connected together by a t-junction. There is some red and black wiring with this.
Tubes from box of spare parts for Astrub apparatus, by Radiometer, Copenhagen. 1900-1980. Three tubes and one wire, two tubes are shorter. There is one tube which is three tubes connected by a t junction, there is a label on one end of the tubes. Then a wire with three attachments on the end, one white, one black and one red. At the other end there is a metal attachment.
Radiometer electrodes in a white box. This is an electrochemical measuring instrument made in Denmark.
Radiometer electrodes in a white box. This is an electrochemical measuring instrument made in Denmark. Radiometer has a label inside saying G297/G2.
Instruction manual from box of spare parts for Astrub apparatus, by Radiometer, Copenhagen. 1900-1980.
Rectangual cardboard/paper item, slightly corrogated. Made by Radiometer, Copenhagen, 1900-1980.
Bag containing two balck circles. By Radiometer, Copenhagen, 1900-1980