Buddhist prayer wheel of silver and ivory

Buddhist prayer wheel of silver and ivory Buddhist prayer wheel of silver and ivory

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Buddhist prayer wheel of silver and ivory
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Buddhist prayer wheel of silver and ivory
Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Buddhist prayer wheel of silver and ivory, containing thousands of prayers, Tibetan, 1601-1900

Thousands of prayers written on a long tightly rolled scroll of paper are within this Buddhist prayer wheel. The prayer scroll is coiled around a rotating central spindle. It is within a casing of silver and ivory. This casing is covered with traditional carvings depicting the Buddha. Tibetan Buddhists believe rotating the prayer wheel while reciting a positive sentiment or wish known as mantra releases the prayers and combats negativity. Buddhism is a religion originating from India. It promotes ethical and unselfish behaviour. Prayer wheels such as this are still used. They are an important part of the Buddhist faith.


Asian Medicine
Sir Henry Wellcome's Museum Collection
Object Number:
complete, ivory, silver (metal), ebony and paper (fibre product)
overall: 230 mm 120 mm, .49kg
prayer scroll: 10000 mm x 56 mm,
prayer wheel
Wellcome Trust (Purchased from Stevens)