Ivory tablet compass sundial with gilt brass dials

Ivory Tablet Compass Sundial with gilt brass dials; size 3 Ivory Tablet Compass Sundial with gilt brass dials; size 3

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Creative Commons LicenseThis image is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence

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Ivory Tablet Compass Sundial with gilt brass dials; size 3
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Ivory Tablet Compass Sundial with gilt brass dials; size 3
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Ivory Tablet Compass Sundial with gilt brass dials; size 3 3/4x2 5/8x7/16 inches. inscription on gilt brass plate let into lid: "Cos. prud. ornam. egreg. insign. v. D. Gabrieli Nutzelio P. ampl. se. reip. Noriberg. sept. v. Milit. cast. administ. F.C. Heiden D.G.E. an. sal. MDLXIX cal. Ja." (compass needle missing)


Time Measurement
Object Number:
overall: 100 mm x 67 mm x 15 mm,
ivory diptych sundial
Backer, H.E.