Mahogany desk top with scales attached, England, 1780-1890

Mahogany desk top with scales drawer from apothecary's counter Mahogany desk top with scales attached, England, 1780-1890 Mahogany desk top with scales attached, England, 1780-1890

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Mahogany desk top with scales drawer from apothecary's counter
Science Museum Group

Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Mahogany desk top with scales drawer from apothecary's counter, possibly English, 1780-1890. Has been displayed with (A49617) 'Apothecary's sign, caduceus, wood', and (E2015.0517.17) 'Two 'mock-up' copper weighing pans on metal chains'.

This mahogany desk top with a balance attached may have been used in a shop window to advertise an apothecary’s trade. The brass pans are hung from a metal rod which is inserted into the snake’s mouth. A snake coiled around a rod in this manner is called a staff of Asklepios. This is a symbol of medicine associated with the Greek healing god, Asklepios. The drawer in the desk top may have been used to store weights for the balance, but it might not be original.


Sir Henry Wellcome's Museum Collection
Object Number:
mahogany, wood, plaster and brass
overall: 960 mm x 505 mm x 310 mm, 7.035 kg
shop sign