Goniometer used to measure the slope of the brow on the forehead, Paris, France, 1890-1910

Cranial goniometer for measuring Jacquart's facial angle (slope Cranial goniometer for measuring Jacquart's facial angle (slope

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Cranial goniometer for measuring Jacquart's facial angle (slope
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Cranial goniometer for measuring Jacquart's facial angle (slope
Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Cranial goniometer for measuring Jacquart's facial angle (slope of the brow), by Collin, Paris, 1890-1910

The flexible steel spring was curved around the face, under the nose and attached to the ears. The central branch was used to measure the angle between the brow and the jaw at the centre of the face, known as the ‘Jacquart’ angle. The ‘Jacquart’ angle and other measurements of the face, such as the extension of the jaw, were used by anthropologists in the 1800s to classify human types and races in the mistaken belief that some human groups were more evolved than others.

Devised by Paul Broca (1824-80), a French surgeon and anthropologist, this instrument was made by Collin, a Parisian surgical instrument maker.


Psychology, Psychiatry & Anthropometry
Object Number:
metal (unknown)