Control panel for x-ray machine
Control panel for x-ray machine
- Materials:
- frame, oak , panel, marble , fittings, iron and fittings, brass
- Object Number:
- A639431 Pt1
- type:
- control panels
X-ray machine, comprises control panel, tube stand, spark coil, interrupter, resistor, table and accessories, by A.E. Dean of Surrey, English, 1910-1920, used by Dr JMH Macleod, probably for the treatment of ringworm of the scalp.
Control panel for x-ray machine
X-ray tube stand
Spark coil for x-ray machine
Interrupter for x-ray machine
Oak table for x-ray machine
Analog milliammeter, by H.W. Cox & Co., London. A mounting device attached.
Glass X-ray tube consists of a ball-shaped capacity, a cathode, an anode connecting to an anitcathode, and a regulator.
Connecting cable wrapped under a sheath. The core metal wire has a pointy end, and a hook end. At the mid-point of the whole cable sees an exposed part of the wire bent into a hook shape.
A wooden rod-shaped component for an X-ray machine. A small hole is seen from one end and a small cap on the other end. Two grooves are seen around the rod near the cap end.
Metal unit with a girlle panel, used with X-Ray Machine, by A.E. Dean of Surrey, English, 1910-1920, used by Dr JMH Macleod, probably for the treatment of ringworm of the scalp.