Container of E-Z-HD barium sulphate double contrast medium
One of two containers of E-Z-HD barium sulphate double contrast media for radiography without lid, by E-Z-EM Co. Inc., Westbury, New York 11590, United States, 1979.
Two containers of E-Z-HD barium sulphate double contrast media for radiography, by E-Z-EM Co. Inc., Westbury, New York 11590, United States, 1979.
One of two containers of E-Z-HD barium sulphate double contrast media for radiography without lid, by E-Z-EM Co. Inc., Westbury, New York 11590, United States, 1979.
One of two containers of E-Z-HD barium sulphate double contrast media for radiography, by E-Z-EM Co. Inc., Westbury, New York 11590, United States, 1979.