Collection of approximately 100 items of veterinary equipment

Collection of approximately 100 items of veterinary equipment

Cooper Fluke Drenching Gun
Cooper PTZ Drenching Gun

Experimental Hook Doser

Cooper's Balling Gun for sheep

Phillips Cobalt Bullet Doser for sheep

Cooper's Drenching Pistol
Cooper-Crowther Powder Flacker

Cooper's Dosing Bottle for sheep (glass)

Experimental Paste Doser

Beck Repeater Tablet Drenching Gun
Arnold's Drenching Gun, 0-60 ml.

Wilcox Moffin Victor Throat Nozzle

Nameplate for Cooper Improved Cattle Spray Race
Flute Doser (40 ml) for sheep or pigs

Pig Gag, for dosing
Cooper's Dosing Syringe (Export)
Prototype Cooper's Adjustable Sheep and Lamb Drench Doser

"Kerol" Doser

Varidoser, for paste dosing (with carton)
Cooper's Adjustable Hand Sprayer (type sample)

McDougall and Robertson "Killamist" Sprayer
Steam operated Thermal Fog Generator, Dutch origin

Prototype Sheep Marking Paint Brander

Elastrator Ring Applicator and rings
See more
- Category:
- Veterinary Medicine
- Object Number:
- 1989-1209
- type:
- veterinary equipment
- credit:
- Coopers Pitman-Moore