3 Tripods for Whole Plate Field Camera
3 wooden tripods for whole plate field camera fastened with two leather straps
Whole plate field camera, in canvas case. Camera has Taylor Taylor Hobson "Cooke Anastigmat f5.6" lens, Thornton Pickard roller blind shutter, spare roller blind shutter, 3 double darkslides, cable release, bulb release and tripod with mounting head.
3 wooden tripods for whole plate field camera fastened with two leather straps
Whole plate field camera, in canvas case. Camera has Taylor Taylor Hobson "Cooke Anastigmat f5.6" lens, Thornton Pickard roller blind shutter, spare roller blind shutter, 3 double darkslides, cable release, bulb release and tripod with mounting head.
Lens for Whole plate field camera, in canvas case. Camera has Taylor Taylor Hobson "Cooke Anastigmat f5.6" lens, Thornton Pickard roller blind shutter, spare roller blind shutter, 3 double darkslides, cable release, bulb release and tripod with mounting head.