12 Spencer Wells artery forceps
12 Spencer Wells artery forceps, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Army Regulation Surgeon's instrument case, in tinned box in canvas holdall by Arnold and Sons, Giltspur Street, London, 1905-1914, owned by Dr. Percy W. Barnden, MBE
12 Spencer Wells artery forceps, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
2 Spencer Wells artery forceps, nickel-plated, steel, by Maw, London, 1905-1914
2 Spencer Wells artery forceps, nickel-plated steel, by Down, London 1905-1914
Spencer Wells artery forceps, nickel plated, steel, German, 1908-1917
Spencer Wells artery forceps, nickel plated steel, by Bailey, London, 1910-1920
Wakley's artery forceps, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Key's hernia director, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Stevenson's bullet forceps, nickel plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Straight sharp, pointed bistoury, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Curved sharp pointed, bistoury, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Straight probe pointed bistoury, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Straight probe pointed bistoury, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Hernia bistoury, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Amputation knife, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Amputation knife, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Amputation knife, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Amputation knife, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
2 Fuller's bivalve tracheotomy tubes, silver, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Double skull elevator, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Ferguson's lion forceps, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
5 gunshot probes, silver, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Packet of suture needles, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Reel of silver suture wire, English, 1905-1914
Needle holding forceps, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Wire cutting forceps, nickel-plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London 1905-1914
Exploring trocar and cannula, in nickel-plated case, by Down Bros., London, 1905-1914
Trocar and cannula, straight, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Pearse's bladder trocar and two cannulae, with drainage catheter, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Trephine, steel, two blades, detachable handle, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Two retractors, nickel plated, steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Amputation saw nickel plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Amputation saw nickel plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Liston's bone forceps, nickel plated steel, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Petit's tourniquet, brass frame, by Arnold and Sons, London, 1905-1914
Bone elevator, nickel-plated steel, by Anderson and Buchanan, Glasgow 1905-1914
Tenotomy knife, steel, French, 1905-1920