Arriflex llB 35mm Cine Camera with 200' Magazine
35mm Arriflex IIB cine camera body, Serial Number 3452, with synch-pulse adapter, camera motor, 28mm Schneider lens (Serial Number 3087691), 50mm Cooke lens (Serial Number 518420), 75mm Taylor-Hobson lens, (Serial number 500107), one 200' magazine on camera, one 400' magazine, swan neck, camera leads.
Arriflex 35 IIB cine camera made in 1950 by Arri, Germany.
The camera uses 35mm film in 200' or 400' magazines. Arri produced four models of Arriflex 35 II between 1946 and 1964. Richard Lester’s ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ was filmed using the 35 IIB. The turret holds three different lenses, which could be easily switched between during filming. The viewfinder can be closed to prevent light reaching the film when the camera operator is not looking though the finder.
- Measurements:
overall: 485 mm x 210 mm x 430 mm,
- Materials:
- steel (metal) , white metal (unknown) , leather , leatherette , glass and foam rubber
- Object Number:
- 1997-5024/1
- type:
- cine camera
- Image ©
- The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum