Safety lamp

Safety lamp, Clanny, A. Simon's self-extinguishing device, from France, marking A. Simon a Denain (Nord), 1870

Safety devices were increasingly employed to prevent accidents arising from careless or improper use of safety lamps in mines, one of the most frequent temptations being for the miner to relight his own lamp in the working place. This shows a form of self -extinguishing lamp used in the Departement du Nord, France, with the improvements patented by Mons. A. Simon. The gauze is of finer mesh than usual, and the upper portion is fixed to the reservoir by a bayonet joint. It is locked by a vertical bolt which has a spike on it passing through the wick; as the bolt is unscrewed the wick is drawn in. To light the lamp, sufficient spirit is placed in the cup surrounding the wick to remain alight till the bolt is screwed up.


Mining & Ore Dressing
Object Number:
Smith, William