Safety lamp, Heath and Frost shot-firing, Mueseler type (bonnetted), use shot-firing, maker: H.M. Edwards, Wakefield, 1901
This is an oil lamp of the bonneted Mueseler type embodying the shot-firing arrangement patented in 1886 by Messrs. J. Heath and W. Frost. The safety fuse is inserted through the base into a tube extending into a gauze -protected space at the top; a pricker can be passed through the tube to pierce the fuse by forcing up a spring shield, and after being made red hot in the flame can be withdrawn, so igniting the fuse. It has a screw lock and weighs 3.5 lb.
- Category:
- Mining & Ore Dressing
- Object Number:
- 1901-130
- type:
- safety lamps
- credit:
- Home Office (United Kingdom)