Paper model of a heart by Damon Instructional Systems Division
Paper model of a heart by Damon Instructional Systems Division, 'Anamod' Series sold by Griffin and George Ltd, 1979
Approximately 60 games and teaching aids from the national collection for health education material (originally compiled by the Health Education Authority), made for and used by various British groups promoting health education, not including the Health Education Authority, 1987-98.
Paper model of a heart by Damon Instructional Systems Division, 'Anamod' Series sold by Griffin and George Ltd, 1979
Paper model of a lung by Damon Instructional Systems Division, 'Anamod' Series sold by Griffin and George Ltd, 1979
"Growing Up", Parents Guide Health Education Kit Part 1, Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
"Getting Dressed" game with a number of panels of dress, rooms and weather byForth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
"Toilet signs" game with a number of panels of dress, rooms and weather byForth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
"Toilet model - sequence cards" game by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
"Look and Place - Men" game by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
"Look and Place - Women" game by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
2 copies of "Matching Game - Men and Women" by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
Copy of "Matching Game - Men and Women", one of two, by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
Copy of "Matching Game - Men and Women", one of two, by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
5 piece jigsaw, 'Woman' by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
5 piece jigsaw, 'Man' by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
Dental hygiene game with audio casette and flash cards by Forth Valley Health Board developed with Scotland Medical and Nursing Services, 1985
'Escape AIDS' teaching aid for children aged 5-16 years old by Strathclyde Health and AIDS Project in Education (SHAPE) by Strathclyde Regional Council and published by Jordanhill College of Education
Teaching set to accompany the BBC series to promote healthier eating habits "Go For It!" includes booklet and 3 floppy disks by Soft Teach Educational, 1989
"It's a Question of Health" handbook and board game developed by Sandra Frost, Health Promotion Adviser with West Lambeth Health Authority published by Outset Publishing, St Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex, England, 1990
"Who are you staring at?" published by Community Service Volunteers and the Mental Health Film Council includes 15 booklets relating to named individuals, 4 audio casettes, 3 sets of teachers notes and resources and a series of A3 size flash cards
"The Healthy Eating Game", by Good Food Links and Oxford Regional Group of Dieticians Working in the Community, April 1992
Photo cue cards for oral language practice published by Unwin Hyman Limited, London in collaboration with Learning Developments Aids, Cambridge
Photo preposition cards by Learning Development Aids, Cambridge, England
Photo action cards by Learning Development Aids, Cambridge, England
Photo adjective cards by Learning Development Aids, Cambridge, England
Teaching aid for human anatomy by Invicta Education
"Who cares? We care", Barnardos primary education pack sponsored by NatWest and written by Colin Crowther
"PACE - Promoting Aphasics' Communicative Effectiveness" by Gill Edelman and published by Winslow Press, Telford Road, Bicester, Oxon, England, 1987
Wooden puzzle board showing a bowl and spoon by, TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Wooden puzzle board showing a cup and saucer by, TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Wooden puzzle board showing an orange, banana and apple by, TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Wooden puzzle board showing a teapot by, TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Wooden puzzle board showing breakfast by TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Wooden puzzle board showing a toothbrush and a hairbrush by TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Wooden puzzle board showing a washbasin by TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Peg puzzle showing breakfast by Lighthouse Toys, made in Malta
Peg puzzle showing toys by Lighthouse Toys, made in Malta
N Networks, "The Community Caring Game", by Jim Thomas and published by Outset Publishing, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussexx, England, 1992
Three jigsaw puzzles on the topic of road safety, made in Malta
"Think! Inform! Decide!", by Tacade - educating for health and fighting the misuse of alcohol and other drugs, Salfrod, Manchester with cartoons and drawings by Robert Bierman, Art and Design, 1989
Sex education teaching resources including a teaching booklet by Forth Valley Health Board and Scotland Medicine and Nursing Services, Scotland
'You'll get hooked' the habit forming game designed to let players see smoking in a new light, board game with question cards, dice, counter and board made by Tacade and Cancer Research Campaign, 1988-1990
"Finding out about blindness", education resources by RNIB for use in primary and middle schools, illustrated by Maureen Flaherty, designed by Kino Design Partnership, printed by Vigo Press Limited, 1991
Jigsaw puzzle on the topic of road safety, 'The Lollipop Lady Helps you Across the Road, made by Galt Toys, Malta
Board Game, UV (Ultra Violet) 'The Sun Game'; supplied with board, cards and dice, designed by Merchant Designers for health promotion on behalf of the District and Family Health Service Authorities of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
Wooden puzzle board showing a knife, fork, spoon and plate, by TFH, Stockport-on-Severn, Worcester, England
Road Safety board game, consisting of dice, playing board, playing cards and spinner, made for Early Learning Centre, in Spain, aimed at ages 4 upwards
Bottle Trouble? A card game to raise awareness on drinking alcohol, including playing instructions, 28 question cards, and 48 bottle tokens, devised by Pip Mason and Sheila Raby for Aquarius Action Projects, 1994
Information on health, family planning and communication materials by Population Communication Services, The John Hopkins University Centre for Communication programs, 1990