Standfield's Patent Speed Indicating Governor for Steam Engine

Standfield's Patent Speed Indicating Governor for Steam Engine

This governor, patented in 1861 by Mr. J. Standfield, involves the same principle of intermediate bevel wheels as does that of Siemens, inv. 1858-58, and will be more readily understood by reference to the latter; in this case, however, there is also a dial for indicating varying speeds, and the resistance against the carrying round of the intermediate bevel wheels and the consequent shutting of the throttle valve, is provided by an adjustable coiled spring. The resistance to the rotation of the governor is provided by a dash-pot or revolving vessel containing water. This vessel is provided with internal vanes, which carry the water round, and dash it against other vanes, within the vessel but mounted on a vertical spindle, which is prevented from rotating by a spring balance with index and dial. When the speed is increased, the work done in agitating the water is increased, and the pressure exerted by it against the shaft vanes turns the vertical shaft through a portion of the revolution, at the same time indicating the speed on a scale on the dial.


Motive Power
Object Number:
J. Stanfield.