Revolution Counter
Revolution Counter, by J. Morton
This is a counter invented by Mr. J. Norton. It is actuated by a reciprocating motion and the index and number dials move intermittently, so that there is no uncertainty through the display of half figures. The operating lever has a pawl mounted upon it that drives a ratchet wheel on the spindle of the index, which reads units and tens. There are also six small rotating numbered dials, showing figures through holes in the front plate, which carry the reading to 100,000,000. The first of these has on its spindle a ratchet wheel driven by a pawl actuated by a snail-cam on the index spindle, while a single tooth on the first spindle drives intermittently a wheel of ten teeth on the second, and so on throughout the series. Light springs, engaging with secondary toothed wheels on the spindles, hold them stationary between the movements.