Polygraph markers.

Polygraph markers.


Psychology, Psychiatry & Anthropometry
Object Number:
polygraph marker


Box of apparatus (polygraph markers)

Box of apparatus (polygraph markers)

Box of apparatus (polygraph markers), reputedly for hearing research, including four stethographs and four tambours (one complete with diaphragm), by CF Palmer (London) Ltd, 1930-1960.

Object Number:
1994-1255/68 Pt1
polygraph marker
Box of apparatus (polygraph markers)

Box of apparatus (polygraph markers)

Box of apparatus (polygraph markers), reputedly for hearing research. 26 parts including three simple time markers, five time or signal markers, five enclosed time or signal markers, and various clamps and components, all by CF Palmer (London) Ltd, 1930-1960.

Object Number:
1994-1255/68 Pt2
polygraph marker
Eleven parts from a box of apparatus (polygraph markers)

Eleven parts from a box of apparatus (polygraph markers)

Eleven parts from a box of apparatus (polygraph markers), reputedly for hearing research, including three simple time markers, five time or signal markers, five enclosed time or signal markers, and various clamps and components, all by CF Palmer (London) Ltd, 1930-1960.

Object Number:
1994-1255/68 Pt3
polygraph marker