Accessories for G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1929
Accessories for G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1929
- Object Number:
- 1985-724 Pt1
- type:
- part
G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1929, complete, on trolley, with accessories 1. sun director for forcused image 2. magnifier for reading trace on smoked plate 3. sun-director base 4. recorder 5.sun-director prism 6. sun-director tube for normal use 7. mercury lamp 8. microammeter 9. two-lamp apparatus 10. standard lamp 11. box spanner 12. amplifier, and a collection of apparatus used by the late Prof. G.M.B. Dobson for upper air investigation
Accessories for G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1929
Accessories for G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1930
Accessories for G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1931
Accessories for G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1932
Part of the collection of G M B Dobson's ozone spectrophotometer no.1, 1929. This part is a two-lamp apparatus used by the late Prof. G.M.B. Dobson for upper air investigation