chronobarometer, this objects consists of a large black stand with a plaque halfway up and two bolts to attach it to the floor. There is a metal hook hanging down and then a brass plate/chronobarometer on the top with a dial on it.
Chronobarometer by Stanley, 1876.
chronobarometer, this objects consists of a large black stand with a plaque halfway up and two bolts to attach it to the floor. There is a metal hook hanging down and then a brass plate/chronobarometer on the top with a dial on it.
Packaging for Chronobarometer
A brass key for chronobarometer, circular tubing attached to a heart shapped top section with a hole drilled in the middle.
A time scale for seismocraph, this is marked with Kew Observatory.
Weight for chronobarometer
Cover for face of Chronobarometer by Stanley, 1876