Model Oil-Gas Buoy for use in shallow water

Model Oil-Gas Buoy for use in shallow water, scale 1:10
This buoy is used chiefly for river services. For sea services and exposed estuaries, larger buoys are generally required. Where ice floes are experienced, a buoy taking the form of a whale boat is frequently adopted.
This model represents a type of buoy supplied to the Government of the Argentine Republic for the lighting of the Rivers Plate, Uruguay and Paraguay.
The body of the buoy forms the gasholder, and is constructed of welded steel. The gas is compressed to a pressure of six atmospheres, an automatic regulator governing the pressure at which is supplied to the burner. The capacity of each of the buoys shown is 175 cub. ft., at a pressure of six atmospheres, which, with a flashing or occulting light, is sufficient to keep the light burning for a period of about three months.