Altimeters (Kelvin) Sr.nos.K2263
Altimeters (Kelvin) Sr.nos.K2263, K2317, K2287 and K2293
The Altimeter gives the barometric height of the aircraft on the I.C.A.N. height scale, and is determined from the aircraft's static pressure.
The interior of the case of the altimeter is connected to the static head of the Pitot Tube assembly. The active element in the altimeter is an evacuated capsule which responds to the pressure changes and these changes are transmitted to the pointer system by a lever linkage.
In order to cover an adequate height range there are three pointers, the longest one gives the 100s of feet, the next the 1000s of feet and the smallest pointer gives the tens of thousands of feet.
The airfield pressure, in millibars, must first be set on the dial by the knob at the base of the bezel, then the height above the airfield will be indicated.