Brass framed quintant.
- maker:
- William Cary

Quintant made by (William) Cary, London, about 1900. Anodized brass Dollond-pattern frame, polished limb, a wooden handle. Signed on the limb: Cary, London. Marked on the limb: 2598. Inlaid silver scale from -5° to 175° every 10', measuring to 144°. Silver vernier to 10", zero at the right. The tangent screw and clamping screw are on the back of the index arm. Four shades (all grey/green); three horizon shades (all grey/green). Index- and horizon-glass adjustment by capped capstan screws. Magnifier on a 50 mm swivelling arm, a frosted glass shade. Threaded telescope bracket in two parts, fitted for correcting collimation error; perpendicular adjustment by rising-piece and a milled screw. Telescope (86 mm, star finder) erect image; telescope ( 194 mm) inverted image, four cross-wires; extra ocular (18 mm) inverted image. Two shaded eyepieces (both green); adjusting pin. In a square fitted wooden box containing in the lid a certificate of examination of the National Physical Laboratory, dated May 1902. An inlaid blank brass plate on the lid.