Brunell's Patent Metallic Paper
- maker:
- Ackermann and Company

Handbill with samples: [headed] New Series No. XLI. May 1819. [Beneath image] Brunell's Patent metallick paper / R Ackermann's Lithography. [London]. Lithograph, with silver, green, red, and gold metallic paper samples adhered; 23.5x14.5cm. - From Ackermann's The Repository of Arts, Series 2, Volume 7, Part 41, May 1819. Advertising, by Royal command? as samples are numbered 1-4 blocks on monument reflecting their surrounding figures of Britannia, Neptune, a Lion, an oyster shell, beneath a theatrical pediment and curtains and royal coat of arms. [NB: the patent is possibly Marc Isambard Brunel, British Patent 4301, 5 November 1818: 'Tin-foil, capable of large and varied crystallisation']