Birthplace of the Locomotive: Killingworth Colliery
Print; Birthplace of the Locomotive: Killingworth Colliery by Francis Holl and Charles Mottram after the oil by John Lucas, published by Henry Graves and Co., London 1862. Engraving, stipple and line 86.5x67.5cm., platemark 79.8x65.4cm. Also known as: The Stephenson family. - After the oil 1857 or its copy by W Lucas 1861, version in Science Museum London. Portrait, historical and allegorical group focussing on the achievements of George Stephenson, with family and symbols of his life; including Killingworth colliery, wagonway with locomotive, Dial Cottage, miner's pick and `Geordie' lamp; l., Chat Moss LMR? or North East Railway line to Scotland. Information sheet available