Print, Personifications: scenes showing people constructed of artefacts embodying their character
Print. 4 Personifications, scenes showing people [men, women] constructed of artefacts embodying their character. G. Spratt. Pub. C. Tilt, 1830, printed G.E. Madeley, Wellington Street, Strand, [London]: 1. FISH. / G. Spratt del. ; Printed by G.E. Madeley, 3 Wellington Stt Strand. Pub. by C. Tilt, Fleet Street [London] 1830. lithograph, handcol; trimmed to 26.7x22cm adhered to sheet 30.8x24cm. Woman fashioned from Lobster hat, sole skirt, mussels for feet - 2. THE ITINERANT APOTHECARY / G. Spratt del. ; Printed by G. E. Madeley, 3 Wellington Stt Strand. Tilt, Fleet Street, nd. [1830]. lithograph, handcol; trimmed to 27x22cm upon sheet 30.5x23.5cm. Man fashioned from ceramic jars, pestle and mortar hat, bottles, lozenge and pill tins for feet. - 3. THE CIRCULATING LIBRARY / G. Spratt del. ; Printed by G. E. Madeley, 3 Wellington Stt Strand. nd. [ Pubd by C Tilt, 1830]. lithograph, handcol; trimmed to 20.5x16.5cm. Woman fashioned from books, runs of multivolume works, botanical illustrations. - 4. THE MINERALOGIST / G. Spratt del. ; Printed by G. E. Madeley; [Pubd by C Tilt] Fleet Street. Jany 1830. lithograph, handcol; 27.5x22cm on sheet 36x24.5cm. Man fashioned from minerals, coal hat, seated on a rock lighting a cigarette spill. nb. Adhered to paper from album; On verso of paper to no.4 are adhered three scenes 'Very dusty'; 'Very cold'; 'Very windy' Newgate St nd [approx.1820-40s] featuring pedestrians in weather conditions of discomfort, umbrellas, skates