Zerah Colburn

Portrait: Zerah Colburn. Engraving by H. Meyer after T. Hull, 1813. Print engraving, stipple 36x27.5 cm., image 23x19.5 cm. Portrait, FL standing holding battledore and shuttlecock, within a rectangular frame; aged 8 years. "ZERAH COLBURN, A Child just eight years of age, endowed by nature with the remarkable faculty of solving a great variety of arithmetical questions by the mere operation of his mind." From a Drawing by T.Hull Esqr. in the Possession of F. Baily Esqr; Engraved by Henry Meyer, Grt. Russell Street, Bloomsbury. A Printed account of The Child is delivered with the Portrait. Published for the Proprietor Jany. 18. 1813. Lacking the printed account.