Original cartoon drawing, 'The Air Ministry gets a Move On', by Sir David Low, 1938. - Ink, blue crayon, some pencil and white, sight size 36x53cm mounted in frame 57.2x73.2x2.5cm. - Signed LOW brc. - Published in the Evening Standard on 6 May 1938 as a commentary on the alleged delays in supplying aircraft to the Royal Air Force. The Prime Minister (Chamberlain, with umbrella and waterwings) and Air Minister (Anderson, umbrella unfurled and nose pegged against bomb and gas protection) are seen inspecting the Science Museum's aeronautical collection. Caption (Lord Winterton, next week): "I cannot accept the implications of Hon. Members that the Govt. is not coping with the airplane situation magnificently. The co-operation of the Kensington Museum has been secured, and it's [sic] entire aircraft exhibit is to be added to our active force immediately"