'Roller' needle, marked with the word "gentle", used in Shonoshin therapy, a non-invasive form of acupuncture developed for young children, from the surgery of a British practitioner c.1996, unsigned, Japanese, 1980-1990.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture needles are normally inserted into certain points on the skin. This unblocks the flow through the body of a life force known as qi (chi). TCM practitioners believe qi is essential to wellbeing. However, this roller was used in Shonoshin therapy. This non-invasive acupuncture is for children. The skin is scratched with brushes, combs and massage rollers during Shonoshin therapy to stimulate the acupuncture points. The roller needle is marked with the word ‘gentle’. It was manufactured in Japan. It was donated from the surgery of a British acupuncture practitioner.
- Category:
- Asian Medicine
- Object Number:
- 2002-446
- Measurements:
overall: 66 mm x 11 mm x 30 mm, .04kg
- type:
- acupuncture needle
- credit:
- Kelley, R.