Wooden cupping device for moxibustion treatment

Wooden cupping device for moxibustion treatment Wooden cupping device for holding burning moxa sticks close to

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Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Wooden cupping device for holding burning moxa sticks close to
Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Wooden cupping device for holding burning moxa sticks close to a patient's skin, from the surgery of a British practitioner c.1996, unsigned, Japanese, 1975-1990.

This wooden cupping device holds burning moxa near the skin during moxibustion treatment. Moxibustion is where the moxa or Artemisia vulgaris plant is dried then burnt. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes moxibustion stimulates the flow of the life force known as qi (chi) around the body. Qi is considered essential for wellbeing and health.

TCM is also practised in Japan. This cupping device was manufactured in Japan. It was donated by a British TCM practitioner.


Asian Medicine
Object Number:
complete, wood, metal, paper and moxa
Without stick: 90 mm 60 mm,
complete with moxa stick: 120 mm 60 mm, .12 kg
moxibustion receptacle
Kelley, R.