Graphic Illustrations of Animals

Graphic Illustrations of Animals Graphic Illustrations of Animals Graphic Illustrations of Animals

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Creative Commons LicenseThis image is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence

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Graphic Illustrations of Animals
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum, London

Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum, London

print. coloured lithograph. 'The Cow' / by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, [c1850], Plate II from the volume "Graphic Illustrations of Animals, showing their utility to man, in their services during life, and uses after death", J Graf, Printer, published by Roake and Varty, 31 Strand, London. bull, cow and calf with titled vignettes of Milk [milkmaid milking]; Churning butter [milkmaid with yoke and churns]; Cheese [press etc]; Liquid food [feeding infants]; Cutlery and Turnery [turner turning bone and horn handles]; Bookbinding [glue and leather]; Library - For Light [tallow candles]; Candles [dipping tallow]; Solid food [beef]; Cooking [joint on spit]; The Butcher [chopping]; Slaughter [hanging carcase]; Agricultural [oxen drawing hay cart].


Object Number:
prints and lithographs