Graphic Illustrations of Animals
- Graphic Illustrations of Animals

print. coloured lithograph. 'Domestic fowls' / by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, [c1850], Plate IV from the volume "Graphic Illustrations of Animals, showing their utility to man, in their services during life, and uses after death", J Graf, Printer, published by Roake and Varty, 31 Strand, London. cock, hen and chickens with titled vignettes of Poultry Yard [girl feeding hens and cock, hen and chicks in cage]; The Nest [girl going to collect eggs]; Poulterer [plucking; birds with wrung necks]; Cooking [spit; serving food]; Feathers [pillows, mattress, eiderdown]; Amusement [shuttlecock - playing badminton]; Military ornament [feathers on helmet]; Food [boiled eggs]; Market [selling live birds].