Graphic Illustrations of Animals
- Graphic Illustrations of Animals

print. coloured lithograph. 'The Pig' / by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, [c1850], Plate XI from the volume "Graphic Illustrations of Animals, showing their utility to man, in their services during life, and uses after death", J Graf, Printer, published by Roake and Varty, 31 Strand, London. Pig sow and litter with titled vignettes of Wild Boar Hunt [with horse and hounds]; Food. Hams. Sausages etc [eating at table with hanging hams]; The Painter [painting window frames with hog hair paint brush]; The Artist [painting picture with hog hair brush]; Brooms &c. [shop selling doghair brooms, brushes etc]; Saddles [pigskin leather]; Bacon. Pork. Lard. [unloading at the quay]; The Market [Gloucester Old spot]; The Swineherd [and his cot and herd of pigs].