Oxberry animation camera with Wilf Irwin animation stand
Oxberry animation camera with Wilf Irwin animation stand, formerly the property of the animator, Bob Godfrey, 1960-1969.

Apple 2 europlus computer
Table used by Bob Godfrey to hold Apple 2 europlus computer equipment
Caravel weight

Power supply RS-GRP

Seltronic Ltd Smoothing Voltage Machine

Camera control unit

Variable voltage controller

Two Diffraction Gratings

Control Unit for use with Animation Equipment
Animation Accessories used by Bob Godfrey
16mm Animation Table
35mm Animation Table

Bulbs for Bob Godfrey Animation Equipment

Accessories for Bob Godfrey Animation Equipment

Stepper Motor for Animation Rostrum Camera

Academy Gate for use with Animation Rostrum Camera
Line Up Cells for Calibrating Animation Rostrum Camera

Glass Frames and Cells for use with Animation rostrum camera

Acme Cell Punch for use in Film Animation

Accessories for use with Animation Rostrum Camera

Accessories for Animation Rostrum Camera

Gels for use with Animation Rostrum Camera
Wooden Rack for holding Gels used in Film Animation