One of three tinder-boxes

[One of] Three Tinder-boxes (lengths 2 1/2 ins); all

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[One of] Three Tinder-boxes (lengths 2 1/2 ins); all
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

[One of] Three Tinder-boxes (lengths 2 1/2 ins); all rectangular; all with lid hinged at one end and steel on side; contents of all missing; each has on bottom a most life-like figure of a pointer-hound, cast in intaglio, within a floral border, and, on lid, a scene admirably represented in bold relief - two a classic dance by nude male and female figures, with musician, the third a stag pursued by a hound. [One of 6 excellent examples (nos. 770-775), all of one well-marked type, of the work of some exceptionally-skilled steel-caster who is believed to have worked at Berlin early in the nineteenth century. All are cast in black steel and bear much fine decoration in relief. Most are more-or-less rectangular in shape, but others are oval or shell-shaped.]


Object Number:
Wilkinson Sword Ltd.