Tinder-holder (length 1 7/8 in) of thin sheet brass; kidney-shaped
- Made:
- Bow

Tinder-holder (length 1 7/8 in) of thin sheet brass; kidney-shaped, with steel on back; surface plain; contains a flint (a small shaped piece of chalcedony); bought in 1891 at the Hague. Holland. [One of 15 exhibits (nos. 790-804, except for no. 797 not on list A and is recorded as not received on the annotated Bryant and May catalogue), all very similar in every way to the foregoing and serving the same purpose; but intended for use with match-cord tinder, not amadou. Each has in one side an aperture through which the tail of the cord projected, the charred end being protected inside the box, where also the flint is kept. Most are French.]