Tinder-pouch (length 5 1/2 ins) of brown leather
- Made:
- Bow

Tinder-pouch (length 5 1/2 ins) of brown leather, strongly sewn and bound round the edges with thong of similar leather; consists of two roughly-semi-circular halves, folding upon one another along the straight upper edge and held closed together by a loop-and-button of twisted leather; exterior stamped with a simple linear pattern; three pockets in pouch proper, two in flap; these contain flint (a rough lump of chalcedony), steel (very roughly made and of unusual shape), and tinder (? plant-down); on back, a leather loop for attachment to wearer's belt; used by the Durans, a wood-cutting caste, inhabiting the Western Ghauts. India. [One of 14 examples (nos 939-952). All ASiatic. Most designed to be suspended from a belt or girdle. Steel is usually carried inside the pouch together with flint and tinder. Tinder is usually fungus-tinder, but often match-tinder in the form of cotton threads loosely twisted into cord an d inserted into a small bamboo tube or hollow stick].