Osborne 1 Portable Computer

Osborne 1 portable computer
    Weighing 10 Osborne 1 portable computer
    Osborne 1 portable computer

Osborne 1 portable computer Weighing 10

Osborne 1 portable computer Osborne 1 portable computer

Osborne 1 portable computer. Produced in 1981 by the Osborne Computer Corporation, the Osborne 1 is considered by many to be the first true portable computer, CPU is a Zilog Z80 @ 4.0 MHz, 64K RAM, built-in 5" monitor with 53 X 24 text, one parallel port / IEEE-488, one modem / serial port, dual 5-1/4 inch, 91K drives, CP/M operating system. Serial number A15584. With continental 3 pin plug.

Weighing 10.7kg the Osborne 1 was the first system designed to be transported between the office and the home and was a precursor to the modern laptop. The computer cost $1795 when it was released in April 1981 and was advertised as the only computer that would fit under the seat on an aeroplane. The computer came with a full-sized keyboard, 64K memory, two disk drives, and software for word-processing and accounting.


Computing & Data Processing
Object Number:
plastic (unidentified), leather and electronic components
overall: 230 mm x 500 mm x 380 mm, 1200g
personal computer
The National Media Museum, Bradford