Smoking at work. Are you scared to open your mouth?

Smoking at work. Are you scared to open your mouth? (poster)

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Health Education Authority|Enquiries to Science Museum, London

Poster, with anti-smoking message, concerned with the issue of smoking at work, featuring a image of a man smoking between two people wearing gas masks and the message 'Smoking at work. Are you scared to open your mouth?', produced by the Health Education Authority, England, 1988.

Pressures faced by non-smokers in British workplaces where smoking, until recently, was a routine occurrence is highlighted by this poster. Many smokers were aware of the health risks, but they may not have considered the dangers of passive smoking for their colleagues. Passive smoking happens when one individual breathes in the smoke of another. This can lead to diseases such as lung cancer and bronchitis.

Smoking was phased out in many workplaces. It eventually became illegal in enclosed public places through bans introduced by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland during 2007. These applied to workplaces and shared public places such as restaurants and bars.


Public Health & Hygiene
Object Number:
overall: 510 mm x 425 mm
Donated by the Health Education Authority