8 Inch Television Camera Monitor
Type 2823, 8 inch monitor (also used as camera view finder) for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station,
Pye 'Cambridge' portable television broadcasting station, complete, 1960-1963.
The Pye 'Cambridge' station was developed during the 1960s as a low-cost alternative to the very expensive broadcast television cameras and studio equipment. Primarily aimed at the developing countries market, it also found its way into up-market educational television studios (for example the famous Glasgow TV experiment used a Cambridge station, as did the ILEA studio). Many of the African countries had a Cambridge station studio supplied as a package.
Type 2823, 8 inch monitor (also used as camera view finder) for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station,
Type 2823, 8 inch monitor (also used as camera view finder) for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Type 2823, 8 inch monitor (also used as camera view finder) for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Type 2823, 8 inch monitor (also used as camera view finder) for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Type 2823, 8 inch monitor (also used as camera view finder) for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply, 790325, equipment for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply,.770869, equipment for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply equipment for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead with four holes and BBC inscribed on the plug for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead and LWT inscribed on the plug for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connecting lead for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera hood for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera hood for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Clock for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Headphones, grey, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Cyberbox Headphones, grey, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Headset, Clement Clarke Int. Ltd, serial number 5/0 68839, made by Airmed for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Television camera light, number 3, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera light parts, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera light, number 2, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera light, number 3, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera light, number 1, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera zoom, Anastigmat 4 inch focus lens, 597956, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera zoom, Anastigmat 4 inch focus lens, 597 7934, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera zoom, Anastigmat 2 inch focus lens, 543503, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera zoom, Anastigmat 2 inch focus, 572902, lens for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power connector for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera Anastigmat 1 inch lens, 468156, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera Anastigmat 1 inch lens, 495811, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera Anastigmat 1 inch lens, 590383, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera Anastigmat 1.5 inch lens, box and lens cap for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Red and blue lights use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Red and blue lights for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Four small black screw-on feet for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Television camera lens tissue for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station, Kewmode Ltd
Television camera faceplate cleaning tissue for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station, English Electric Valve Company Ltd
Three small light bulbs for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Two square metal plates with a circular hole in each plate for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply equipment, T2770772, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Microphone floor stand with cable (still in original wrapping). For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Microphone cable and desk stand, for use with Reslo ribbon mike. Used in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
37 way chassis management socket 28-21S MIL-C-5015 threaded, made in Mexico, still sealed in original packaging for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
12 pieces of power supply equipment, 9 small screws, 2 little metal plaques: switcher, C.C.P for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply connector, three pins, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station .
Reslo ribbon microphone head, black plaque. Ribbon Microphones 30/50 ohms - 1000 ohms, made in England, Reslosound Ltd, including two circular black plastic pieces, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Reslo ribbon microphone head, red plaque. Ribbon Microphone, RBT/L 30-50 ohms, made in England, Reslosound Ltd, including two circular black plastic pieces, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Reslo ribbon microphone head, red plaque. Ribbon Microphone, 30-50 ohms, made in England, Reslosound Ltd, including two circular black plastic pieces, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Microphone floor stand with cable and connector for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Power supply equipment, 770867, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply equipment, exposed wires and connector, inscribed: crontector McMurdo, England, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
AKG Lavalier microphone with cable, connector and neck cord. Inscribed: AKG D109/200 Made in Austria NR 89149. For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Goose-neck microphone. For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Reslo ribbon microphone, black plaque. Ribbon Microphones 30/50 ohms - 1000 ohms, made in England, Reslosound Ltd. For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Clear plastic box with red lid half full of screws, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
(Vitalite tub holding) electrical equipment spares for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply equipment, 808162 ?, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply equipment, 770868, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply cable with metal connector at each end for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply cable with two connectors and a plaque inscribed, To Drive Unit Connected to I/C system for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply cable with four hole connection and plug socket for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Grey power supply cable with connection at each end for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power cable with plug socket at one end and four hole connection at the other for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Two long grey power cable inscribed CORE SCREENED CABLE 20C; on label CABLES FROM CONTROL PANEL TO CONTROL UNIT, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Electrical equipment, small metal connector for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Fan mechanism grey with exposed wires, 150rpm, 90/180 Volts, 712512, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Fan mechanism grey with exposed wires, 1420rpm, 120/240 Volts, 713365, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Fan mechanism, grey with exposed wires, 2800 rpm, 180-90V, 713362, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Fan mechanism without casing, exposed wires, 2800 rpm 180/90V, 213362, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Fan mechanism without casing1420rpm, 180-90V, 713366, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Mole Richardson mobile lighting stand spare parts. In plastic ice cream tub. For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Television station equipment (Spares) for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Mole Richardson mobile lamp stand spare parts. Mechanical parts (in an ice cream tub). For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Studio lighting shutter for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Studio lighting shutter for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Studio lighting shutter for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Studio lighting shutter for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Studio lighting shutter for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Studio lighting shutter for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Two valves. One Osram, 240V 1000W CP/71, Germany 64747 Cz6. For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
power supply? Neptune series, AP67373, P/S1-1.94/1+2, Model Number 6000/49, Serial Number PMA.2.54 , Parmeko, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply 771866, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply 770867, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply 771698, T13, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Bit Pad One, ICL PERQ, serial number 027750, IEEE, Summagraphics.
Computer keyboard, ICL, in label; SERC PERQ SERIAL NO 304, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply cable with socket. Label: WARNING this cable complies with EEC Harmonised colour code. Found with 2000-5018/90, 2000-5081/91, 2000-5018/92, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Power supply cable with connections. Found with 2000-5018/90, 2000-5081/91, 2000-5018/92 for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station
Microphone cable with connections. DWG No 86015736. For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Power supply cable for a televison camera, with connections. For use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.
Power supply cable with connection and socket. Found with 2000-5018/90, 2000-5081/91, 2000-5018/92.
Bit-Pad 1 four button puck and cable. Found with 2000-5018/90, 2000-5081/91, 2000-5018/92.
Summagraphics power supply. Found with 2000-5018/90, 2000-5081/91, 2000-5018/92.
Light bulb, 100W 240V, 13339, Philips, for use in Pye Cambridge Television Station.