Moorside Edge Transmitter Tuning Coil

Giant tuning coil

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Giant tuning coil
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Tuning coil from Moorside Edge Transmitter installed by the BBC in 1931.

Tuning coil of copper wire wound on porcelain insulators. The tuning coil was used to tune antenna to the right frequency for the national and northern regional BBC radio programming.

Moorside Edge Transmitter was the third in a series of high powered regional transmitters built by the BBC to improve national radio coverage. Situated in the Pennines near Huddersfield, the station broadcast a medium wave signal that replaced smaller relay stations across the north of England. It opened with the Northern Regional Programme for the north on 17 May 1931 and began broadcasting the National Programme from 12 July.

The BBC Regional Programme was broadcast from 9 March 1930 as a replacement for the local stations network. The Regional Programme provided mixed programming as an alternative to the National Programme. On the outbreak of the Second World War both were combined to a single Home Service. Post-war the Regional Programme retained the Home Service name, whilst the previous National Programme was named the Light Programme.


BBC Heritage Collection
Object Number:
copper (metal) and porcelain
overall: 610 mm x 1060 mm x 600 mm,
tuning coil