Coil of blue coated No.4 sump fuze
Coil of blue coated No.4 sump fuze, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Collection of dummy explosives, detonators, fuses, etc.
Coil of blue coated No.4 sump fuze, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Coil of brown gutta-percha covered dummy burning fuze, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Coil of black covered dummy burning fuze, outer covering printed in yellow: 'FUSE', unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Coil of cotton covered electric wire used in connecting electric detonator circuit in mining, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Coil of waterproofed cotton covered electric wire used in submarine connection of electric detonator circuit in mining, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Coil of white cotton covered dummy burning fuze, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
No. 6 submarine detonator, copper dummy detonator connected to yellow plastic covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Two No. 8, 5 second delay, submarine detonators (dummy), one sectioned and one whole (drilled) copper dummy detonator connected to red plastic covered electric ignition wires, each with metal tag with embossed "5", unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Two No.7 submarine electric detonators (dummy), one sectioned, one whole (drilled) copper dummy detonators connected to black cotton
covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Two No.6 detonators (dummy), two copper dummy detonators, one sectioned and one whole (drilled), connected to white gutta-percha covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
No. 7 sectioned aluminium dummy detonator connected to white gutta-percha covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Two No.5 delay detonators (dummy), black painted aluminium dummy detonators, connected to black cotton covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Copper dummy detonator connected to cream gutta-percha covered electric ignition wires, marked on detonator: ‘DUMMY’, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream lightly waxed paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘GUNPOWDER’; ‘(SALTPETRE).’; ‘Compressed’; ‘Blasting Pellets’; ‘Curtis's & Harvey Ltd.’; ‘London & Glasgow’, by Curtis's & Harvey Ltd., Hoo Peninsular, Kent, England, and Glasgow, Scotland, 1900-1920
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream lightly waxed paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘GUNPOWDER’; ‘(SALTPETRE).’; ‘Compressed’; ‘Blasting Pellets’; ‘Curtis's & Harvey Ltd.’; ‘London & Glasgow’, by Curtis's & Harvey Ltd., Hoo Peninsular, Kent, England, and Glasgow, Scotland, 1900-1920
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in grey lightly waxed paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘GUNPOWDER’; ‘(N.S.)’; ‘Compressed’; ‘Blasting Pellets’; ‘MUST BE KEPT DRY’; ‘No Pellets to be exposed to the air’; ‘till just before firing’; ‘Curtis's & Harvey Ltd.’; ‘INCORPORATED IN’; ‘IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD’; ‘E/AP.862, by Curtis's and Harvey Ltd, Hoo Peninsular, Kent, England, and ‘Imperial Chemical Industries, British, 1900-1920
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown lightly waxed paper wrapper with red printing, printed: ‘E.S. E.S.’; ‘UNIGEX’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1¼’ GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘E.S. NOT MORE THAN E.S.’; ‘36 ozs IN ANY’; ‘ONE BORE HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown lightly waxed paper wrapper with red printing, paper wrapper torn and printing faded, printed: ‘POLAR AMMON’; ‘GELIGNITE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in grey waxed paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘GUNPOWDER’; ‘(N.S.)’; ‘Compressed’; ‘Blasting Pellets’; ‘MUST BE KEPT DRY’; ‘No Pellets to be exposed to the air’; ‘till just before firing’; ‘CURTIS'S & HARVEY LTD.’; ‘London & Glasgow’; ‘DUMMY’, by Curtis's & Harvey Ltd., Hoo Peninsular, Kent, England, 1900-1920
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream waxed paper wrapper with black printing, unsigned, Europe, 1928-1938
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown waxed paper wrapper with black printing and black roundel pattern, paper wrapper torn, printed: ‘ONLY FOR BRINGING DOWN COAL’; ‘A1. ROUNDKOL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16’ GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 18 ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown lightly waxed paper wrapper with black printing and black diagonal lines. Printed: ‘HYDROBEL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 16oz’; ‘NOT MORE IN ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘THAN 48ozs IN STONE DRIFT’; ‘OR 20ozs ELSEWHERE', by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown lightly waxed paper wrapper with black printing and black parallelogram marks. Printed: ‘UNIBEL’; ‘EQ. S.’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1¼” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown lightly waxed paper wrapper with cream paper wrapper protruding at either end, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown lightly waxed paper wrapper with black printing and black diagonal lines. Printed: ‘POLAR AJAX’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 8oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘SHEATHED’; ‘POLAR DYNOBEL No.2’; ‘1 7/16” 6ozs’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’; ‘NOT MORE THAN’; ‘28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘NOT TO BE ROLLED IN THE HAND’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in lightly waxed brown paper wrapper with red printing and red spots, printed: ‘E.S. E.S.’; ‘UNIFRAX’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; ‘Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘¼” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN’; ‘36ozs IN ANY’; ‘ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘SHEATHED’; ‘POLAR VIKING’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN’; ‘28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’ ‘OT TO BE ROLLED IN THE HAND’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘3oz 1 7/16” DIAM.’; ‘BELLITE No.1A’; ‘Not more than 28 ounces in’; ‘any one shot-hole.’, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with green printing, printed: ‘NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVE’; ‘No.704; ‘8oz 1 7/16”; ‘ROBURITE & AMMONAL LTD’; ‘WORKS GATHURST NEAR WIGAN’, by Roburite & Ammonal Limited, Gathurst, Wigan, Lancashire, England, 1916-1924
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with red printing and red stripes, printed: ‘POLAR DYNOBEL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 8oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing over cardboard tube, cardboard tube cut away to expose inner cylinder wrapped in waxed brown paper printed with black roundels, outer wrapper printed: ‘SHEATHED’; ‘ONLY FOR BRINGING DOWN COAL’; ‘A1. ROUNKOL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 3oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 18ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with red printing and red parallelogram pattern, printed: ‘POLAR THAMES POWDER’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘6oz, 1 7/16” Diam.’; ‘BELLITE No.1A.’; ‘Not more than 28 ounces in’; ‘any one shot-hole’, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘POLAR AMMON’; ‘GELIGNITE No.2’; ‘Alfred Nobel'; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’ ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘SHEATHED’; ‘ONLY FOR BRINGING DOWN COAL’; ‘A1. ROUNKOL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 18ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘NOT TO BE ROLLED IN THE HAND’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing, with black parallelogram pattern, printed: ‘POLAR VIKING’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 6oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs"; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing and black roundel patterning, printed: ‘ONLY FOR BRINGING DOWN COAL’; ‘A1. ROUNKOL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 18ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing and black roundel patterning, printed: ‘ONLY FOR BRINGING DOWN COAL’; ‘A1. ROUNKOL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1¼” GLASGOW 3oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 18ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing and trade name patterning.. printed: ‘KENTITE’; ‘Weight 3oz Diameter 1 7/16”; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28 OUNCES IN’; ’IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘NOTE:- ROLL CARTRIDGE BETWEEN THE’; ‘HANDS BEFORE INSERTING INTO SHOT-HOLE’; ‘AND AVOID COMPRESSING IT WHILST’; ‘STEMMING’; ’DUMMY’, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing and trade name patterning.. printed: ‘KENTITE’; ‘Weight 5oz Diameter 1 7/16”; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28 OUNCES IN’; ’IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘NOTE:- ROLL CARTRIDGE BETWEEN THE’; ‘HANDS BEFORE INSERTING INTO SHOT-HOLE’; ‘AND AVOID COMPRESSING IT WHILST’; ‘STEMMING’; ’DUMMY’, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing black diagonal lines, printed: ‘POLAR AJAX’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 1/4” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘POLAR AJAX’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 1/4” GLASGOW 6oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing. Printed: 'SHEATHED', ‘POLAR AJAX’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, ‘NOT TO BE ROLLED IN THE HAND’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing over cardboard tube, cardboard tube cut away to expose inner cylinder wrapped in brown paper with black parallelogram patterning, printed: ‘SHEATHED’, ‘POLAR VIKING’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” GLASGOW 3oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’; ‘NOT TO BE ROLLED IN THE HAND’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with red printing and red diagonal lines, printed: ‘POLAR’; ‘SAXONITE No.3’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 7/16” ‘GLASGOW 8oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with red printing and red parallelogram pattern, printed: ‘POLAR THAMES POWDER’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 ¼" ‘GLASGOW 4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 4ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with red printing, printed: ‘POLAR AMMON’; ‘GELIGNITE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with red printing, printed: ‘POLAR’; ‘N.S. GELIGNITE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with red printing and red lines, top of cylinder cut away to show dummy copper electrical detonator in position, printed: ‘POLAR DYNOBEL’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1 1/4” GLASGOW 8oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs’; ‘IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing and black diagonal lines, printed: ‘POLAR’; ‘SAMSONITE No.3’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘1¼” GLASGOW’, ‘4oz’; ‘NOT MORE THAN 28ozs IN ANY ONE SHOT HOLE’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘BLASTING’; ‘ABELITE'; ‘4oz SHOT’; ‘1¼” DIAM.’; ‘DUMMY’, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘BLASTING’; ‘ABELITE'; ‘4oz SHOT’; ‘1 7/16” DIAM.’; ‘DUMMY’, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown waxed paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘POLAR AMMON’; ‘GELIGNITE B’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown waxed paper wrapper with blue printing and a blue band round the middle, printed: ‘POLAR AMMON’; ‘GELIGNITE No.2’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown waxed paper wrapper with blue printing, top to cylinder cut away to expose dummy burning detonator installed, printed: ‘POLAR’; ‘N.S. GELIGNITE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown waxed paper wrapper with green printing and green band around the middle, printed: ‘POLAR AMMON’; ‘GELATINE DYNAMITE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with red printing, printed: ‘ARCTIC’; ‘DYNAMITE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with faded remnants of red printing, unsigned, British, 1900-1930
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in cream paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘POLAR’; ‘BLASTING GELATINE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in grey paper wrapper with black printing, printed: ‘AMMONAL’; ‘3oz Weight’ George & Dragon Trademark ‘1¼” Diam.’; ‘ROBURITE & AMMONAL LTD.’; ‘WORKS: Gathurst near Wigan.’; ‘DUMMY’, by Roburite & Ammonal Limited, Gathurst, Wigan, Lancashire, England, 1916-1924
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown paper wrapper with blue printing, printed: ‘POLAR’; ‘BLASTING GELATINE’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown waxed paper wrapper with red printing, printed: ‘POLAR DYNAMITE’; ‘40% N.G.’; ‘Alfred Nobel’; Nobel's Explosives Company Limited Trademark; ‘GLASGOW’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Cylindrical stick of explosive substitute in brown waxed paper wrapper with black printing: ‘NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVE.’; ‘No. 695A’; ‘DUMMY’, by Nobel's Explosives Company Limited, Ardeer, Scotland, 1877-1926
Two cylindrical sticks of Chatterton's Compound (one broken), unsigned, Europe, 1900-1938. Chatterton's compound is a mixture of gutta percha, rosin and Stockholm tar and is a waterproofing insulating compound.
Two sectioned No.6 HT electric copper dummy detonators, connected to cream cotton covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1900-1938
Two sectioned No.6 LT electric copper dummy detonators, connected to cream cotton covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1900-1938
Two sectioned electric powder copper dummy detonators, connected to cream cotton covered electric ignition wires, unsigned, Europe, 1900-1938