Computer Cable with Circuit Board
Computer Cable- 2 sets of Computer cables with circuit boards (TTY8&9and TTY10&11) are grouped together with a plastic band.
Computer Cable- 2 cables a re joint together by small circuit board at the end. Stickers with numbers '5' and '3' placed near the circuit board on bothe of the cables, and 'TTYS 6 & 7' written on a sticker on the circuit board.
Computer Cable- 2 sets of Computer cables with circuit boards (TTY8&9and TTY10&11) are grouped together with a plastic band.
Computer Cable with a circuit board (TTYS2&3)
Computer Cable with a circuit board (TTYs4&5).
Computer Cable with circuit board. Stickers '14' and '15' placed on each head.
Computer Cable with a circuit board on one end and single head on another end.