Ivory folding sundial by Jacob Karner

1630 in Nuremberg
Ivory folding sundial by Jacob Karner Ivory folding sundial by Jacob Karner Ivory folding sundial by Jacob Karner

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Science Museum Group / The Clockmakers' Museum
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museumum

Science Museum Group / The Clockmakers' Museum
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museumum

Science Museum Group / The Clockmakers' Museum
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museumum

Ivory folding sundial by Jacob Karner, Nuremburg, Bavaria, Germany, c.1630. Outside of the lid is engraved with the cardinal points surrounded by a 1-32 scale and pointer, also a hole for viewing the compass when taking bearings. Inner surface of lid engraved in red and black with 24 names of towns and latitudes, also a declination dial marked with the length of day and appropriate sign of the Zodiac. Thread gnomon. Inside of lower leaf has a compass (missing) surrounded by a horizontal dial marked for four latitudes, and below it are two scales for unequal hours. On the bottom surface are circular tables for Julian and Gregorian epacts. In the centre there was probably a rotating dial, possibly lunar, which is now missing. There is a recess in the side of the base which may have been used to store style pins or even a wind vane. Near the hinge is stained 'J3K' which indicates that this dial was made by Jacob Karner, Nürnberg. Clockmakers' Museum No. 650


The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers
Object Number:
overall: 91 mm x 63 mm
Lent by the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers