Bennett Street Sunday School Jubilee Medal

Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett

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Creative Commons LicenseThis image is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence

Creative Commons LicenseThis image is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence

Creative Commons LicenseThis image is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Licence

Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Musuem

Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Musuem

Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Musuem

Medallion to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Musuem

Medallion produced to commemorate the jubilee of Manchester’s Bennett Street Sunday School, made by Allen & Moore of Birmingham around 1851 for the school’s 50th anniversary. One side of the medallion depicts the school and the other side the school’s founder, David Stott.

By 1851 three quarters of working-class children were enrolled in Sunday Schools across Britain. Bennett Street was Manchester’s largest with over 2,600 pupils on its books by 1850. It taught children from Ancoats and New Cross, areas just east of Manchester’s centre which had become crowded with mills and workers' houses. Life in these areas was often hard. Many children who learnt at the school in its earliest days worked six days a week in Manchester’s mills, and spent their day off in basic schooling.

David Stott founded Bennett Street School in 1801. Stott was a philanthropist and umbrella manufacturer who wanted to provide education for some of Manchester’s poorest children. He helped with funding and administration for the school.

From 1801 to its closure in 1966 Bennett Street Sunday School provided education, food and excursions out of the city to the children of Manchester’s workers.


Local History
Object Number:
metal (unknown)
overall: 3 mm, 44 mm,
commemorative medal