Kettle Presented to Mr Allcard
Presentation kettle, silver, engraved TEMOIGNAGE D’ESTIME PRÉSENTÉ À M.T. ALLCARD AU BANQUET QUI LUI A ÉTÉ OFFERT PAR LES CONTREMAITRES, EMPLOYÉS ET OUVRIERS DES ATELIERS DE M.M. BUDDICOM & CIE À SOTTE VILLE-LES ROUEN LE 6 AOUT 1853, [Token of esteem presented to Mr T. Allcard during the banquet which was offered to him by the foremen, employees and workers of Misters Buddicom & Co’s workshops in Sotteville-les-Rouen on 6th August 1853], with the Allcard coat-of-arms engraved on opposite side with motto ‘SEMEL ET SEMPER’ [Once and Always’], hallmarked French silver, Paris, with maker’s mark of Charles-Nicholas Odiot.