If Marc Bolan kissed you would he feel like this?
One of two posters with an anti-smoking message, featuring the 1970s pop star Marc Bolan grimacing and the slogan 'If Marc Bolan kissed you would he feel like this?', produced for the Health Education Council, London, England, c.1971-1975
Marc Bolan was the lead singer of successful rock band T-Rex until his early death in a road accident in 1977. This poster used his celebrity status to discourage young girls taking up smoking. His grimace suggests he was an avid non-smoker and did not like girls who smoked!
Young lungs are particularly susceptible to damage caused by smoking because they are developing. The Health Education Council hoped highlighting the £150 per year cost to fund a 20-a-day habit meant girls would be poorer and considered less attractive to the opposite sex. Today, 20 cigarettes a day costs you over £2000 per year.