Scientific Publication: ‘Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation’

Scientific Publication: ‘Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation’ Scientific Publication: ‘Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation’ Scientific Publication: ‘Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation’ Scientific Publication: ‘Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation’ Scientific Publication: ‘Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation’

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Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

‘Naked and thunderbolt singularities in black hole evaporation’. Offprint from: Nuclear Physics B. Vol. 400, pp.393-415. [Amsterdam: Elsevier], 1993

Part of Stephen Hawking's Office collection, but not coming directly from the office, are a collection of offprints of varied publications authored by him over the years. Offprints are distributed by publishers to authors as complimentary copies of their work, most often as stand-alone booklets of larger collectively authored publications such as journal issues or encyclopedias. Until the 1990s, these were one of the main ways for authors to quickly distribute their first issue to close acquaintances. With the advent of photocopying and digital publishing, their value has become largely symbollic, as the proof of finished work.


Stephen Hawking Office
Stephen Hawking’s Office
Object Number:
steel (metal), paper (fibre product) and ink
overall: 241 mm x 165 mm
overall (in melinex sleeve): 301 mm x 223 mm .055 kg
Accepted in lieu of Inheritance Tax by H M Government from the Estate of Stephen Hawking and allocated to the Science Museum, 2021